Join Our Team

If you need help filling out this application, please call our office.
Victory Gardens is an equal opportunity employer. Victory Gardens does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, creed or national origin, sex, age, disability, handicap, marital status, sexual orientation, affectional orientation, or any other applicable legally protected catagory. No questions on this application are intended to secure information to be used for any discrimination prohibited by applicable law.
Are You Over 18?*
Are You Authorized to Work in the United States?*
Have You ever been employed by Victory Gardens before ?*
Are You Willing To Be "On Call" And Work Nights And Weekends?


High School
Did you Graduate?
Degree / Diploma Received
Did you Graduate?
Degree / Diploma Received
Did you Graduate?
Degree / Diploma Received

Please list any additional special skills, technical or professional knowledge, use of machinery or equipment you may have. Including the ability to write/speak any foreign languages that you would like considered.

List Three Personal or Business References

References 1
References 2
References 3

Employment Record

Employment 1

Periods of Unemployment

Please account for all periods of unemployment of one month or more. You may OMIT any reference to periods of disability. Include military service and summer part-time jobs. If a position was part-time or temporary, please indicated that status.

Are You Currently Employed?

Hiring Policies

1. We hire applicants based solely upon merit. We do not discriminate on the basis of union affiliation, race, sex, color, age, national origin, disability or any other protected status.

2. We accept job applications only when jobs are available we intend to fill the position(s). When openings become available, we reserve the right to review applicants already on file, prior to hiring. Applications remain on file for consideration for twenty (20) days. It is the applicant's responsibility to keep our hiring personnel informed of his/her availability.

3. We do not accept group applications or photocopied forms.

4. Any applicant who falsifies or omits information on the application is disqualified from being hired. If a falsification or omission on the employment application is discovered after an applicant is hired, that employee is subject to termination.

5. We base our hiring decisions on many factors, including skills and ability to perform this job, prior employment with us, employment references as to character, willingness to accept the offered hourly wage, and personal interviews.

6. Applicants for safety-sensitive positions will be required to pass a pre-employment drug screen prior to being hired.

7. Please complete the entire application, including employment history. Do not leave any blank spaces. Do not put any information on the application that is not requested. Incomplete or improperly completed applications will not be considered.


I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false or misleading statement or omission during any interview or on this form may be a cause for rejection of my application or may be cause for my employment to be terminated, if I am hired. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application and authorize the references listed in this application to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment, and all pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and I release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing that information to VICTORY GARDENS. I acknowledge that if I have not fully completed this application, I will not be considered for potential employment.

By signing my name below, I understand that nothing contained in this application or in the interview process (if I am interviewed), is intended to create an employment contract between VICTORY GARDENS and me. I understand that VICTORY GARDENS is an AT-WILL EMPLOYER and if I am offered and accept a job with VICTORY GARDENS I have the right to end my employment at any time and for any or no reason, and VICTORY GARDENS retains the right to end my employment at any time for any or no reason. I understand that no representative of VICTORY GARDENS, other than the President, has any authority to make any agreement with me for any specified period of time or to guarantee some job-related term or benefit. I understand that any guarantee, term or benefit shall be valid only if it is included in an employment contract for me with VICTORY GARDENS that is signed by the President of VICTORY GARDENS. I understand that this entire statement (both paragraphs) applies to the period before and after I may become employed. I acknowledge that I have read and understand each of the above two paragraphs (including this paragraph), as well as the entire Application form, including the seven points noted under Hiring Policies above.

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